It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is Thanksgiving. This is technically my second Thanksgiving for this year since Canadian Thanksgiving was in October. My friend Akiko and I are doing a combined effort of cooking and Jacob Sacks will be baking lovely pies (pecan, pumpkin and apple YUMMM!!!!) I am going to do my best to document this event. It is the first time that I have some partnering chefs for Thanksgiving and I have cooked with Akiko and Jacob together in the past and we’ve had a lot of fun together. Hopefully there might even be a podcast out of this (I hope this will actually happen). I am in charge of cooking the turkey, gravy, dressing and a side dish. I do the whole works on the turkey. I brine it the night before and I make stock for the gravy and the other special ingredients the day before also. I haven’t made a turkey in the past year and a half so I hope my cooking chops are still good.
I know that this is a time to reflect on things we should be “thankful” for. I am grateful for many things in my life, a great husband, family, friends, my dog, music, my health etc… Sometimes you can get so caught up in all your crap that you can forget why life is so good. I’m constantly stressed out, I’m always worried about everything and I’m always complaining about having no money, being a struggling artist and not losing enough weight. When I actually write these things down I start to feel really foolish. I don’t live in a war stricken country, I’m not homeless, I’m not dying and I am a working artist. It really doesn’t get any better. Sure, we can always bitch about money, a better career and losing an extra five pounds but the bottom line is that life is pretty damn good and I am thankful for that.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!