Show At Cornelia Street Cafe

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 10:00pm-11:30pm Gnu Vox Festival with Yoon Sun Choi Kyoko Kitamura Jen Shyu Fay Victor at Cornelia Street Cafe 25 Cornelia Street F/D/B/A/C train to West 4th $10

You Can’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

So I have been curious about this new show on HBO called “Flight of the Conchords”. You have to check out these clips (clip 1) (clip 2). It’s a reminder to all us musicians that we can’t take ourselves too seriously all the time.

Gig on Sunday

Yoon Sun Choi’s “Beyond Borders” Yoon Sun Choi – voice Loren Stillman – alto sax Jacob Sacks – rhodes Thomas Morgan – bass Gerald Cleaver – drums Sunday, August 5th 9:30pm-12:00am 55 Bar (55 Christopher Street) 1/9 Train to Christopher station Cover: $10

Categorized as Music

A Sad Event

I thought long and hard about posting this. My friend and colleague Take Toriyama was put to rest last Sunday. Take passed away last week in his apartment. We in the jazz community were devastated by the loss. Take was a warm, fun loving person with an immense amount of musical talent. I have had… Continue reading A Sad Event

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Happy Holidays!

Just wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. I have been stuffed by two wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas day dinners. Thanks to those who have made me fat! I’ll be off to the gym tomorrow, guaranteed. Have a good one.

The Raposo Project

Tonight I will be doing the Joe Raposo Project at the Brecht Forum in New York City. This will be my debut performance at this venue so I’m pretty psyched. Here are the details: Friday, December 22, 9pm (one set only) The Raposo Project (the music of Joe Raposo) Yoon Sun Choi – voice Jacob… Continue reading The Raposo Project

I Am No Longer Innocent

So the other week I was on my way to play a church gig. I was groggy-eyed and tired and just wanted to get a seat on the subway and forget that I was up at 6:30am on a Sunday. I sat down and was ready to doze off for about 15 minutes when I… Continue reading I Am No Longer Innocent

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