Mark Zusak’s The Book Thief and I Am The Messenger

Over the past few weeks I have completed two books by the young author Mark Zusak.

The Book Thief
This was a marvelous book. The story occurs in the 1940’s during WWII in Germany. A young girl named Liesel becomes a book thief. I don’t want to say much because it’s a wonderful story. It has a lot of hardship and pain but also great emotional beauty and depth. I was so moved by The Book Thief that I decided to read Zusak’s other novel I Am The Messenger.

This book is based in Australia in the present (I think). A young man, Ed Kennedy, is a cab driver and has a pretty ordinary life until one day he sort of stops a bank robbery. After that, his life becomes very interesting.

Zusak has a particular style of writing that I enjoyed and he kept me intrigued after every chapter. Both emotionally moving books. These books are considered “young adult” but I highly recommend them for any age.

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