Happy New Year!!
It’s now 2011 and I am astounded at how much has happened to me in the past year. Both happy and sad events have affected my life. I lost a friend and colleague very unexpectedly in a tragic cycling accident, my husband changed careers and started all over again from scratch (so proud of him) and the most life changing event for myself and Chris was having our first beautiful, baby boy!
It has been challenging becoming a mother and I have loved being one but I miss parts of my old life especially my musical life and I am trying to make my return to it. This year will be the journey to return to some creative life outside of motherhood. I hope that writing about it will help me keep focused on my goals.
Another goal for this year is to get my health back into shape. When I was pregnant, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I was shocked and upset but hoped that the condition would go away after my son was born. Well, ten months later, I am still pre-diabetic and now have high cholesterol from eating too much meat and cheese (Atkins you suck!) So now, I am working my way back to the healthy life I had or maybe improve it even more.
Hope you will follow along and help me on my journey to a better me.