Coltrane Choi, R.I.P. (March 1993 – December 2007)

On Monday, December 17, 2007, my beagle, Coltrane passed away due to cancer. It was fast, with very little suffering and he was surrounded by the people who loved him and we all had a chance to say our goodbyes.

I have never felt such loss in my life. I know that there are more tragic events that are happening in this world than someone’s pet dying but he was a huge part of my life. He made my life rich with happiness and love and helped me become a more compassionate, don’t take life so seriously, loving person. I can’t express how wonderful he was and I can’t capture in words all the great, hilarious, heart-melting things he did for me. My husband Chris wrote a really touching post on his blog, Explananda. There are some great photos of Coltrane and my favourite is at the beginning. Chris had given me a framed, blown up version of this photo for my birthday and it was the greatest present I ever received. It means even more to me now that Coltrane is gone. I miss him everyday and there will always be a part of me that will never be the same but I don’t want it to be.

If anyone is interested in reading Chris’ tribute click Coltrane.

1 comment

  1. Yoon!

    Hey stranger.

    So sorry about Coltrane, I remember when you got him! You were living in the 2nd floor apartment in the Annex.

    Email me when you get a chance, I have a project that I’d like your input on, if you have the time.


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