I Forgot!

I realized that I haven’t been talking about my shows and I just plain forget to do that (sorry). I do have a show tonight and I’m really excited to play with these friends of mine because they are killin’! Yoon’s E-String Band yours truly on voice and toy piano (yup, a little toy piano)… Continue reading I Forgot!

Check This Out

So Chris has been going around with my camera and taking lots of photos these days and decided to post some of his favourites on line. If you want to check them out click here.

My August

Well it’s been so long since I have given a steady update to anyone but I have a bit of time in these last few days of summer. I am trying to enjoy the few relaxing days that I have left. It has been an eventful August. I went to Aruba (as you know from… Continue reading My August


This post was to be put up on August 10th but I just didn’t get it together did I?!?!!!! Well it’s been two days since I got back from vacation. Where did I vacation you ask? In lovely, hot Aruba! Yes, you read that right, the beautiful carribean island. They actually call it the “Happy… Continue reading Ahhh…Vacation

So Behind

God! I can’t believe it’s been soooo long since my last post. Sorry folks. I have updating my “my space” site that I’ve neglected my own blog and website. Well there is only so much one can do. I feel a bit overwhelmed these days. I’ve been waking up at 6:30am to go commute for… Continue reading So Behind

Categorized as General

Picnic Fun

So yesterday I was up at 6:30am and I went to do a church gig until 12:15pm and then I headed off to Prospect Park to have our annual Memorial Weekend picnic. I can actually say “annual” because this is the fourth year we’ve done this and it’s turned out so great everytime. Lots of… Continue reading Picnic Fun

She Is King

Last night I went to see my friend and musical hero Nancy King at the Jazz Standard. She was having her CD release from MaxJazz with pianist, Fred Hersch. It was wonderful to see her and hear her sing. She has a magic that is really hard to find today. Nancy’s interpretive and improvisational skills… Continue reading She Is King

Check This Out

So I told you that I just came back from Moncton, New Brunswick. Well I was with D.D. Jackson (he wrote the music to the jazz opera I was performing). While D.D. and I were in the Montreal airport, D.D. interviewed me for his podcast. If you would like to hear it click here. It… Continue reading Check This Out

Categorized as General

It’s Been A While

I noticed that I haven’t made an entry in almost two months! Life just grabs you and takes you away from things sometimes. I’m excited today because tonight Jacob Sacks and moi are having our regular monthly Restless Spirit Music Series and our special guest is drummer Matt Wilson. I’m totally psyched. I love hearing… Continue reading It’s Been A While