No Luck

Well, it has been an interesting couple of weeks when it comes to my health. Just before my birthday, I had a horrible case of food poisoning and it put me out for 3 days. Last week I had a bad cold (which I am still getting over) . At the beginning of the week,… Continue reading No Luck

The Restless Spirit Awakens Tonight

Tonight is the last Restless Spirit Music Series performance for 2005 at the 5C Cafe. We are very pleased to have guitarist, Ben Monder closing this season. Anyone around tonight in NYC, we hope to see you there.

One Step Closer

So yesterday I had a 11 hour day going up to Orangeburg, NY mastering the debut CD of 4inObjects. We went to BangZoom Productions and the mastering engineer, Steve Vavagiakis was great. I would definitely recommend him for mastering acoustic recorded works. Steve was friendly and gave helpful advice during the session. It’s amazing what… Continue reading One Step Closer

The Harry Potter World

It’s about 1:30am and I have just returned from seeing Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire. I have to say that I enjoyed it immensely. I am such a sucker for movies, good or bad. Chris says that I’m a terrible judge of movies but I like to think that I’m easy to please.… Continue reading The Harry Potter World

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Yeah Canadians

Some colleagues and friends from Toronto, Canada just released their CD and I am really enjoying the clips I’ve heard on CdBaby. Go and check it out. You may like it, you may not… but I like it. Leah State (vocalist) sounds wonderful and I’ve always enjoyed playing with pianist Tania Gill while I lived… Continue reading Yeah Canadians

Too Stuffed To Write

American Thanksgiving is over and I was too stuffed to post over the weekend. Chris and I went to a big gathering for ‘turkey’ day and had a real nice time. I always find it fun to meet different folks from all walks of life. Being a musician, I have a tendency to hang out… Continue reading Too Stuffed To Write

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Happy Thanksgiving US

This is just a quick Happy Thanksgiving wish for all you Americans out there. Canada already had their Thanksgiving in October. One could argue that it’s the “real” Thanksgiving but, I don’t really want to start that feud. I’m not actually cooking turkey on the day because Chris and I got invited to a friend’s… Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving US

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A Cool Find

So, late last night I was talking to my best boy Jacob Sacks and he told me about this google link he found of himself and I thought it was a nice find. If you want to check it out here it is: Soulmates. I don’t know who this fellow is but I really appreciate… Continue reading A Cool Find

The Bishop Was In Town

This past Friday (11/04/05) friend, composer and saxophonist Andrew Bishop was the special guest for the Restless Spirit Music Series at the 5C Cafe. The night was filled with lots of musical surprises and adventure. One of the special parts about Andrew performing with Jacob Sacks and myself is that Andrew is not only a… Continue reading The Bishop Was In Town