Is It Supposed To Be Cold Season?

Here I am sniffling and feeling tired and Chris has a cold. Is it already that time of year? If so, that sucks. This season’s Restless Spirit Music Series opens this Friday and all I need is a cold. Well I guess it’s chicken soup for the next week.

Thank You 55 Bar

Tonight I went to the “Thank You Musicians” party at the 55 Bar. Queva (the owner of the 55) is one of the most supportive individuals in the New York City music scene. She helped 4inObjects get a start at the 55 and I am forever grateful. She digs the music and she is extremely… Continue reading Thank You 55 Bar

Feeling Uninspired

Feeling uninspired lately. I’m also very busy getting things ready in the new apartment and getting the 4inObjects website ready and working on the Restless Spirit Music Series and mastering the 4inObjects CD. A lot on the plate. Still, I’m starting to build up the courage to start making home-made bread. I’ve been getting curious… Continue reading Feeling Uninspired

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Moved and Happy

Well, we’ve finally moved and we handed our keys to our other landlady and got the big thumbs up on the inspection of the apartment. I think our landlady was rather surprised at how good the apartment looked after three years. It was sort of sad to leave the old neighbourhood and I will miss… Continue reading Moved and Happy

Categorized as General

I’m Finally Moving!

It’s been hell these past few weeks. Chris and I have been feverishly looking for a new apartment and we have finally found one. It’s beautiful, huge, in a gorgeous neighbourhood (the Canadian coming out of me) and affordable. It seems impossible, I know, but it really is great and it even has laundry in… Continue reading I’m Finally Moving!

Lee Konitz

Last Saturday night I heard Lee Konitz at the Jazz Standard. Alot of my friends were performing in the group and I wanted to see the legendary Lee. The group was the Ohad Talmor Nonet which featured Lee Konitz’s and his music which Ohad had arranged. I went to the 9:30pm set with my friends… Continue reading Lee Konitz