Last Thursday, 4inObjects performed at Cornelia Street Cafe and we had a blast. I can’t tell enough people how much I love playing with my friends who happen to be brilliant musicians. We performed a new tune that I wrote and it sounded great (I was especially impressed since they were sight-reading some not-so-easy music).… Continue reading Great Gig
Author: Yooni
The Studio
Today is the first day off I’ve had in two weeks. It’s a beautiful sunny day and I’m headin’ into town to hang out with my best friend Jacob and to walk around the village (Greenwich Village for all you non-New York folk). Last weekend I was in the the studio recording with the band… Continue reading The Studio
Beagle Birthday
On Sunday, we are having a birthday party for my little beagle, Coltrane. Now anyone who is a dog owner or pet owner with no kids can totally get into the concept of a birthday party for your dog. Sometimes when I think about it seems silly. BUT, I love the fact that Coltrane has… Continue reading Beagle Birthday
Solo at Elixir
Yesterday morning, Jacob Sacks (my best bud), told me he was doing a solo keyboard gig at a little juice bar in Manhattan called Elixir. I was surprised that he didn’t advertise it or if he did, I missed it. I didn’t know what to expect (and I think, neither did he). It was a… Continue reading Solo at Elixir
A Brief Scare
On Sunday, Chris (the love of my life), was feeling really bad. He had lots of stomach pain and he couldn’t move. At first we thought, ok.. just some bad heart burn or food poisoning. He’ll throw up and then he’ll be fine. Well, he did throw up but, he wasn’t fine. I told him… Continue reading A Brief Scare
The Korea Daily
On Friday March 11, 2005, there was a small article written about me in the New York City’s Korea Daily, in the Arts and Culture section. It was cool to finally have press in NYC (even if it’s in a language I can hardly speak or understand). When I was about 11 years old, I… Continue reading The Korea Daily
I’m In Finally.
I have been having trouble getting into my blog so I haven’t been posting as much. My apologies. But, I’m back and got a show coming up soon and working on some new things. I’ll keep you updated.
Practice, Practice, Practice
I feel that a submission is long over due. I have been practising this past week on some big band music my friend, Andrew Rathbun has written. I play with his big band this Sunday, March 3rd at Smith’s Bar in midtown. I haven’t sung big band music in about 6 years. This is not… Continue reading Practice, Practice, Practice
Last Minute Gig
This Monday I will be a special guest of the Sacks/Ambrosio/Sperrazza trio (piano/bass/drums). They will be playing at Charley O’s in midtown, Manhattan. We will be playing jazz standards (which I hardly ever do these days) AND, I just found out that our friend and saxophonist, Mike McGinnis will also be sitting in. It’s gonna… Continue reading Last Minute Gig
4inObjects at the 55 Bar this Tuesday
This Tuesday, February 22, 4inObjects (the collective quintet I play in) will be performing at the 55 Bar at 7:00pm. It’s so great to play with some of the most talented young musicians in New York City (Jacob Sacks on rhodes, Dave Ambrosio on bass, Jacob Garchik on trombone and Dan Weiss on drums and… Continue reading 4inObjects at the 55 Bar this Tuesday