Memorial Weekend

I can’t believe that it is the end of May and that six months of 2005 have passed. The weekend (I should really say Saturday) was filled with lots of fun. On Saturday we had our annual picnic in the park and about 15 of us met at the lake and had a few hours… Continue reading Memorial Weekend

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So Much Music

Well, I am overwhelmed by all my music news. The past month has been great for music. First, I started off with Nancy King in town (the post before this one). Friday May 6, Jacob and I were doing our Restless Spirit Music Series at the 5C Cafe with special guest Mat Maneri (The Magician).… Continue reading So Much Music

Music and Imagination

Well, I have just returned from Ann Arbor, Michigan late last night. Jacob and myself did a duo concert at the Kerrytown Conert House “on Saturday, April 9. It was a beautiful old house where the main floor was their performance space and upstairs were teaching studios. The acoustics were so amazing that I didn’t… Continue reading Music and Imagination

The Restless Spirit Awakes This Friday!

I’m very excited that our (meaning Jacob Sacks and yours truly) music series “The Restess Spirit” will be starting tomorrow at the 5C Cafe at 7:00pm. Our friend and great improvising pianist, Angelica Sanchez will be our first guest of the series. I’m looking forward to seeing Angie since she has been on maternity leave… Continue reading The Restless Spirit Awakes This Friday!

Great Gig

Last Thursday, 4inObjects performed at Cornelia Street Cafe and we had a blast. I can’t tell enough people how much I love playing with my friends who happen to be brilliant musicians. We performed a new tune that I wrote and it sounded great (I was especially impressed since they were sight-reading some not-so-easy music).… Continue reading Great Gig

The Studio

Today is the first day off I’ve had in two weeks. It’s a beautiful sunny day and I’m headin’ into town to hang out with my best friend Jacob and to walk around the village (Greenwich Village for all you non-New York folk). Last weekend I was in the the studio recording with the band… Continue reading The Studio

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Beagle Birthday

On Sunday, we are having a birthday party for my little beagle, Coltrane. Now anyone who is a dog owner or pet owner with no kids can totally get into the concept of a birthday party for your dog. Sometimes when I think about it seems silly. BUT, I love the fact that Coltrane has… Continue reading Beagle Birthday